To submit a program:

1. Copy the following form.
2. Open your email program and create an email.
3. Paste this form into the email's BODY.
4. Copy Bruce's email address(red), from the top of the form and paste it into your email's "TO" block.  Then type "New Program - xx/xx/2024" in the "SUBJECT" block.
5. Now edit the form's BODY with your program's information.
6. Send it to Bruce

To Bruce

First Name:

Last Name:

Best time to reach you:                       

Desired Date: 

Program Title:

Please give a brief description/summary of program:

Will you need equipment?

We have a DVD Player.   If other equipment is needed, please specify:

Will you need assistance?      If "Yes," please specify:

Note: The Program Director will review your submission and notify you if it's accepted and a date of presentation will be set. If your program is denied, an appeal can be made to the Board of the UU Fellowship of Abilene, whose decision is final.